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Billy's Sponsorship Page

We are an all-volunteer/foster home-based rescue.
Apply to adopt by filling out the online adoption application on our main website
Click on Adoption Info under the Navigation bar on the left side of the page. Fill out the form by clicking on the picture of the computer screen with our logo on it.

 BILLY UPDATE: Billy had his heart procedure done at Veterinary Medical Center St Paul MN. He is back in his foster home now and doing very well. He is done with all of his post procedure medications and is running, chasing and playing like a normal puppy ❤️
Thanks so much to everyone that helped us pay his medical bills! ❤️
Billy will go back to VMC for his post procedure recheck on Oct 8th, as long as everything looks good he will be neutered the following week.

Billy is available for LOCAL adoption until he is neutered.

Billy is a very active puppy, he does have some vision deficit, he does require a fenced yard to keep him safe.

Hi! I'm Billy. I came to DDR because I have a very loud heart murmur. I saw the veterinarian cardiologist, he told me I have a heart defect called a patent ductus arteriosus that needs to be closed. It will cost a lot of money for a little guy like me so I need some help with my medical bills.
Can you donate so I can have my heart fixed ?


My adoption fee helps cover all of my vetting needs such as HW test, rabies, DHPPL, Bordetella, neuter/spay, dental if needed and microchipping.

Billy's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

---------- OR ----------

Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
Repeat sponsorship payment every:
Would you like to stop
the recurring sponsorship
after a certain number of payments?
Yes No
If yes, how many?

7505 Mystic Drive •  Sioux Falls, SD 57110  •  (605) 310-8443 •  dakotadachshund [ at ]