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Animal Success Stories

"My little dog---a heartbeat at my feet."  Edith Wharton

Our lives will forever be enriched because of the dachsies that touched our hearts in rescue, but we know the real healing does not begin until they leave our care.  We encourage, we celebrate, we do everything we can to give them the skills they need to put their best paw forward as they wait for their forever families to find them . . . and then the time comes to say goodbye.

Often we shed tears.  We remember when they came in, how far they’ve come, the hiccups along the way – we laugh, we cry – and then we always say a little prayer as we send them on their way.  We hope they find the confidence to keep that best paw forward, because we know, when they do, they will truly flourish.  It is then, they will heal; it is then, they will find peace.

If you have adopted one of our adorable dachsies, and would like to contribute a Success Story, please e-mail dakotadachshund@hotmail.com, and we will add it to the website.  Be sure to send us a current picture.  We do love pictures!!!

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

We have had Gizmo now for at least 2 Christmases now. I can’t remember the exact date we adopted him from you? When we first got him he did not like women and barely tolerated them. I am happy to say that has all changed and he has become 100% mommy’s boy. He loves everyone in the household but rarely spends time with them. The exception to that rule is if mom is gone and someone else is at home. If no-one else is at home. He lets me know on a regular basis he was not happy about the separation by peeing on the kitchen garbage can. I have yet to own a dachshund that does not go through separation anxiety. He also has a submissive wetting problem but this is controllable by learning the behavior and actions he makes and then you just don’t touch him until he stops acting like that. It’s not 100 % full proof but it does make it a lot less. Gizmo might have some leaky plumbing but look how cute my little man is. There are more enjoyable things about him then bad things so who cares about his plumbing. I love him to death he is my baby boy. He needs lots of exercise and I make sure he gets it I have found a couple of places I can take him where he can just run and run and he does! I have gotten to the point that taking him on a regular walk makes me feel guilty because he has so much energy! So every day that weather permits I make sure we go to our running areas. Thank you for taking good care of him until we adopted him Anita

7505 Mystic Drive •  Sioux Falls, SD 57110  •  (605) 310-8443 •  dakotadachshund [ at ] hotmail.com